Friday, April 26, 2013

London Zoo

The ZSL London Zoo was among the places we visited in London

This spot quickly became one of my all time favorite spots for photography. I love photographing the animals because nothing quite beats the beauty and the colors of mother nature.

It is a bit saddening though to walk through the zoo and see how many of these beautiful animals are either endangered or have hit a level of vulnerability. It's a little bit more uplifting though to know that these animals are carefully cared by professionals, and to find out that places such as the London Zoo actively run conservation programs all over the world to conserve the species and their habitats.

Here are some of the pictures we took during our visit.

I wanna go back!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Meet my friend, Fred.

This is my little buddy, Fred.
He is a friendly robot who gives me points and tells me I'm awesome every time I work out. He's a part of a larger online community called Fitocracy
Now, here's the thing. I've never been a person of any grand achievements when it comes to sports, not at all. My achievements, if any, have mostly been on the negative side such as fainting at what others would call easy exercising or being the most out of sync person at a step class despite being 30 years under the avarage age in the room.
There came a point where I realized that my physical weekness was definitely something I wanted to change. I wanted to be fitter and healthier. I wanted to be able to push my body a tiny bit without trembling.
So, I started going to the gym every now and then. I started writing down my exercises in a notebook to keep track of them but that just didn't cut it for me. So, I went looking for some sort of a fitness tracker to have an oversight of what I'm doing. That's how I found Fitocracy and I'm convinced it's the best thing that has happened to my health in a long time.
It's a nice looking app where you log your workouts and track your progress. It has a fun gaming twist to it, you receive points for every workout and level up. You can go on quests or take on some challenges.
Honestly, it's a game you actually want to get addicted to, unlike Candy Crush Saga
Now, I like these parts of Fitocracy a lot but what I really love is the online community. Besides the app, Fitocracy has a social network website and honestly, they've sort of done what I thought to be impossible. They've made a social network which is driven by positive attitude and respect.
Everyone there is doing the same thing, they're aiming to get healther, fitter and happier in life. If you're stuck in a rut, if you need any advice, suggestions or ideas, you'll always have people there to cheer you on, point out the good things you're doing and give you valuable, constructive feedback. Not once have I noticed anyone there giving others any type of negative attitude. It also doesn't matter what goals you have or what sports you do, you'll find groups in there full of supportive people that'll suit your goals.
So, just imagine Facebook without political or religious arguments, public shaming or petty fights. Replace all that with communications based on a positive dedication to a healthy and happy life.
This place has turned out to be awesome for a gym newbie like me.  I like the social support and get motivated by it, but I'm not comfortable with posting gym realted stuff on media such as Facebook(because let's face it, most people there really couldn't care less about your workouts or what you eat).
Since I joined, I'm a lot more motivated and my workouts are more regular. I'm fitter, I eat healthier and I'm happier. I've done things I've not dared to do before, including taking gym classes in Swedish and being confident enough to take on the free weights section of the gym. When I press F  into my webbrowser, the auto-complete takes me to Fitocracy, not Facebook and I think that's pretty cool.  I realize it's a platform that might not work for everyone, not everybody needs to get motivated by a friendly social kick in the butt. But if you're like me, then check it out, you won't regret it :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The backyard

There are few places in Gothenburg that offer a better view than my neighborhood, Masthugget. After a day spent mostly inside I decided to grab my camera and head over to the hill right behind my building to enjoy the view before the sun went down.

After all, one of the things I've learnt over here is that sunshine is not really abundant in Gothenburg, you've got to catch it while you can.

It really is a privilege to only have to take a few steps out of your building to enjoy such beautiful scenery.

I can't wait until the weather bumps up a few more degrees because this lovely place is the perfect spot for some barbecuing and beer.


Monday, April 08, 2013

Monday morning

This week is going to be busy and I'm gonna make it a good one as well.


Because happy leads to productive.

It's time to show this thesis who's boss.


Thursday, April 04, 2013

book nook

Besides the previously mentioned indoor hammock my dream house has another essential item, a little reading nook. 

Ideally it would be a small and cozy space with soft seating and plenty of space for pillows and a blanket. It would also have to include some sort of shelves where I could keep books along with an occasional cup of tea and some cookies.

It would be a space where no phones or computers were allowed. The nook would serve as a little escape from daily life and buzzing technology, a little escape where I could relax, forget about time and space, and allow my mind to enjoy the awesomeness of books. 

a little corner with only one purpose

pillows, pillows and more pillows

A bench like this would be a dream

If this one were in my house I'd tuck away in there on every cold winter night

Now next on the list following the reading nook is a beautiful private library. 
How amazing that would be. 
I will leave those speculations for a post of their own though.


Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Wanting spring.

Please don't let the sunshine and, the seemingly exotic, 10° weather that's been here for the past couple of days be a mean joke. Instead just keep up the good work and do even better by bumping up the temperature a tiny bit, I'd like to give my winter coat a rest now.

