Tuesday, October 25, 2011

day #4

I got really proud of myself today.

I went to one of my favorite café for lunch today and for the first time ever I did not give in to the temptation of buying their sinfully good chocolate cake

normally I would just have skipped lunch all together and only had cake!
(believe me, that has happened)

there it is, the devilish kladdkaka, at an earlier visit to the café
so instead of kladdkaka I've switched to a much better kind of sweets

orange juice

all thrown in the blender and the result is not only delicious but also guilt free, 
unlike my dear kladdkaka nemesis 


Monday, October 24, 2011

day #3

healthy breakfast = check!

a good morning gym session =check!

studying at the uni = in progress

today's study snack:

red peppers, cucumber, tomato

nuts & raisins

an apple

a bottle of chilled mint tea


Sunday, October 23, 2011

day # 2- pictureday

one of my goals for this month was to take more pictures

at least one every day

so after waking up early I went over to the library to finish my assignments and was out of there by noon

at that point there was nothing left to do but get back home, pick up the camera and go back out to enjoy the beautiful weather and try to capture some of the autumn loveliness

here's the results

(I recommend clicking on the pictures for higher resolution, completely worth it)    



Saturday, October 22, 2011



a month of champions

30 challenging days of living life like a champion

DAY #1


wake up at 6am every weekday, 9am on weekends

stop snoozing

go to the gym at least three times a week before hitting up the library

make my bed every morning

keep my room tidy

speak Swedish whenever I go to the store

make a weekly study schedule and really keep on track

take at least one picture every day

cook more homemade meals and eat healthy

organize my grocery shopping better 

find and read more Swedish material

no kladdkaka (i'll allow myself one exception to this one on my birthday)

I already got some Swedish learning materials today 
all the while taking an Arabic crash course on how to "not look like an idiot at a flea market and actually get a bargain"

(a course that I pretty much failed) 

there's no need for studying to be boring 
all right,

lets do this!


Monday, October 17, 2011

autumn days

autumn has definitely arrived as it is starting to get really cold

but it's all good thanks to awesome winter jackets and massive furry gloves 

Gothenburg is just so charming in the autumn colors

my fascination with the architecture here is more than enough material for another very long blog post 

gotta take my camera out on the next sunny day and capture more of the city's amazing buildings

how is it possible not to love this?
on another note,

this one's on repeat these days..

fritz kalkbrenner- right in the dark

genius stuff!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bruxelles- Köln- København

back from Belgium

with some unanticipated stops in Germany and Denmark

all in all I can confirm that broken trains, delays and hangovers don't go that well together

but it was a great trip nonetheless 

and left me with a box of  some wonderful Belgium chocolates to keep me company during the next study nights


Thursday, October 06, 2011


off to Belgium for a long weekend filled with 







Sunday, October 02, 2011

midterm's up

midterm's up which seems so weird as I feel like I just got here..

anyways, I don't feel like studying but I've got a huge carrot at the end of the stick..


but until then it's gonna be the books, energy drinks and Veronica Maggio


swedish and italian combined in one song= luv!