Saturday, November 30, 2013

November captured on the run

I've heard November mentioned as one of these boring months. It's the end of fall but still not really winter. Christmas is on the way but it's still too early to dare to decorate. To sum it up, it's bleh at the end of the year.

I've never seen it that way, I'm a November kid to the fullest. It's usually filled with highly anticipated rendezvous and other events of personal importance. For some reason most of the biggest decisions in my life have usually been taken in November. It's when I can finally start the countdown for Christmas at home, something that usually is just a blur in the distance but finally becomes visible in November. What can I say? It's my month.

This year November has been crazy busy and passed by on full speed. Still, it's been the good kind of crazy. The type where you think back and see that you truly enjoyed it to the fullest despite all the running around and early morning airplane rides. Where you see you did something valuable and you're proud of what you did. Exactly my kind of November.

My camera has been largely absent this month, or more or less replaced by the office camera. So, you'll get a glimpse of November through the next best thing, my phone.

What the past months lead up to

One of the few food items acceptable for instagram

late November and the Christmas countdown starts

Me, the laptop and work camera in Helsinki

I could spend days just looking at Brussels' street art

the smallest aircraft I've ever been on for an international flight

A little moment from a highly anticipated visit 

@work in yet a new country

the nice view captured  for a short moment in the morning, before the running around started


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