a month of champions
30 challenging days of living life like a champion
DAY #1
wake up at 6am every weekday, 9am on weekends
stop snoozing
go to the gym at least three times a week before hitting up the library
make my bed every morning
keep my room tidy
speak Swedish whenever I go to the store
make a weekly study schedule and really keep on track
make a weekly study schedule and really keep on track
take at least one picture every day
cook more homemade meals and eat healthy
organize my grocery shopping better
find and read more Swedish material
no kladdkaka (i'll allow myself one exception to this one on my birthday)
no lösgodis
I already got some Swedish learning materials today
all the while taking an Arabic crash course on how to "not look like an idiot at a flea market and actually get a bargain"
(a course that I pretty much failed)
there's no need for studying to be boring |
all right,
lets do this!
lets do this!
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