Monday, November 01, 2010

birthday week has begun

this year I'm following the advice of a good friend and celebrating the whole birthday week.. not just the birthday..

I think it's a nice way of pampering myself before entering the last month of school and all the work related insanity that it tends to include..

saturday night: red lipstick, white wine, good music and even better people

sunday: so so very sunny but at the same time so so very cold
my new headband turned out to be a lifesaver

talking about lifesavers..
these gloves are the reason my hands will survive this weather
undoubtedly the best buy of the winter
I don't think anything will beat them

sunday night: home spa with some great friends

the little "spa table"
homemade avocado and chocolate masks,
a bunch of nail polish and creams..
and candles
lots of candles

home made chocolate face mask..
all natural
smells so good
and tastes pretty damn good as well
plus it leaves your face smooth as a baby's bottom!

chocolate face mask heaven:
1/3 cup cocoa
1/4 cup honey
3 tablespoons cream
3 teaspoons oatmeal
2 teaspoons cottage cheese
and voilà!
just mix it together and leave on your face for 15 min..

looking forward to a great week filled with a good mixture of work and fun!


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