Here's the thing I've figured out when it comes to thesis writing.
There comes a point where you see everything clearly and things look pretty straight forward. It's sort of a magical point. At that moment you're more or less confident that the thesis will get done on time and, additionally, it actually might make a bit of sense.
Then there are other moments when what seemed so clear to you turns into a blurry mess and a little bit of panic starts creeping up your stomach. These moments might include you starting to question your choice of method or the quality of your data. You might look at the calendar and realize that somehow the deadline all of a sudden looks way closer than you thought it would, calling for a slightly panicked restructuring of your schedule. You might just look at your computer screen and the only thing that comes to mind is I have no idea what I'm doing. You start debating with yourself whether it's better for you to wake up early and study or sleep in and work late. You seriously consider to finally start forcing your taste buds to like coffee, just for all the caffeine you're missing out on. You become sort of sure that writing this thing will be the end of your mental health.
And then there are some days when laziness and procrastination take over, and any motivation you thought you might have has all of a sudden fled the building.
Well, for all these moments, it's good to listen to the study bunny.
Study bunny knows best.
Yes bunny, me too