Thursday, January 27, 2011

january already coming to an end

 graduation's coming up in a month and surprisingly I've already decided on what to wear..

a jumpsuit!
why haven't I owned one sooner?
here's to finding a sweet graduation outfit, paying only 3700 kr for it and the fact that it's so comfortable that I'll have no problem taking a nap during the terrifyingly boring three hour graduating ceremony

in other news..

the death of me has arrived

it's related to grad school and is called international economic law. 

it's roughly 950 pages long.

950 very long pages of the GATT/WTO and the international monetary system

the goal of the semester is to find this book interesting

we'll see how it goes..


ps. slight changes around here.. I´ve become all fancy and added an about me section and a section specifically for music and such.. woot woot!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

iron & wine's new album kiss each other clean is dropping next week

and it includes my new favorite song

walking far from home


that man's a genius



the weather these past days has got me wanting spring again..

the snow isn't particularly fun when your only black boots leak and the salty snow 

leaves a permanent mark on your new leather oxfords.

But something tells me spring will get here early this year..

I can't wait for light sweaters and blazers, sunglasses, shorts

and a complete absence of freezing fingers

Friday, January 14, 2011

hello 2011


..turned out to be pretty amazing

I met some fantastic new friends

I managed to travel as much as I wanted

I was reunited with my lovely family and friends at home

I found a great apartment in downtown Reykjavík, an apartment that happens to be the first place I have lived at in that wonderful city which truly feels like a proper home

I managed to finish my BA studies, even turned in the thesis three weeks before the deadline


will be something special..

I've started my MPA studies

I've got a both fun and demanding volunteer position with a lot of responsibilities through AIESEC

and I've got a new part time job

and I'm already planning my next trip abroad

but somehow this incredibly busy schedule doesn't frighten me at all.. 

 in fact it's just exciting (at least for now)

if I survived my ridiculously insane final semester at SU then this one shouldn't be a problem at all

the key is just to enjoy as much as possible of it as spending life with a frown is just no way to live.

For me music is a big part of it all.. 

I'm pretty sure music is the one element I could never live without..

 I  seriously wouldn't mind that much if it would rain non-stop for the rest of my life, 
or even if there were no TV or movies. 

But a world without music? 
now that's something completely different.

this one's amazing
love it!
